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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Row 3 is DONE!!

I've been a busy little bee!!  Between stitching, the kids, moving and more I have actually finished Row 3!!  I also want to say thanks to two more people...with more to come...

First to my partner in crime, body understands the joy of stitching and flylady like you.  I love knowing that I'm stitching with you in spirit!

To Kristen...what can't I say.  You don't stitch but yet every time I hit a mile stone you are right there cheering me on.

I appreciate yours ladies words more than you could possibly know!  Between you two and ette I will be stitching until I'm old and gray!  Love my stitching-sister (Sherry) and my flysister (Kristen)!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Progress as of October 4, 2011

Well I've been a busy little bee!  Here you go!  I actually have a roof!  These are just for you ette!  Thank you for taking the time to check my blog each time I post.  You are part of my motivation girly!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Row 2 is finished!!

I haven't updated in a while.  I was going along at a good clip, then my stitchy bug sorta disappeared.  Well it's back with avengence.  I have finished row 2 as of late last nite and have started row 3!  Here's the updated pics...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Starting Point for August 27, 2011

Here's where I'm starting today...I hope to finished the 10x10 block I started a few days ago and get two more 10x10 squares completed.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Almost done with row 1

Here's some update pictures of this project!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Starting Point for July 16, 2011

So I got quite a bit done yesterday.  It's really looking good.  However, my house needs to be disinfected and lots of laundry needs doing because my 7 year old son, Andrew, has a contagious rash.  So I'm not going to get much done on the stitching front the next few days.  I'm going to use it as a pamper mission every once in a while.  I'll get a bit done now...Here's the pics...

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